Lead is a very special metal. Unlike many other types of metal, it is soft and can easily be bent without using tools. Because is was easy to manipulate, it was used in making pipes. It also was used for soldering joints of pipes together. In addition, it was used in paints to make them last longer and have more vivid colors. Eventually it was discovered that lead has very damaging side effects on humans, especially young children who tend to put items in their mouth. Lead can cause neurological damage and birth defects, so its use became heavily regulated. Unfortunately, there are still houses on the market that might have lead paint or pipes without the homeowner knowing about it. If you live in an older home, you can check your pipes to see whether they are made from lead or not by scraping them with a sharp object. Lead will scratch very easily. Lead paint is easiest to recognize by the way it flakes in a scaly manner. If you find lead in your home, you should get a professional removal, since you could do more damage than good by trying to do it yourself.