Animals can be cute and intriguing, but there is definitely a huge difference between domesticated pets and wildlife. No homeowner is comfortable when wildlife starts getting into their living area, whether it is something small like rodents or something big like a bear. There are some things that you can do to lessen the risk of wildlife seeing your home as their home.

When wildlife gets close to human habitation, it is usually in search of 3 things – food, water, and shelter. The more of this they have access to, the more attractive the area is for them to roam. This is why you should make it your mission to deny them access to all three of these things.

It is important to remember that what wildlife sees as a food source might not be apparent to you. Your garbage, for example, can smell tantalizing to an animal. This is why you want it sealed up well, and possibly even inside of a shed to ensure that animals can’t get to it.